“I fell in love with the work”

Mark Holton
1 min readJan 5, 2016


I enjoy Jerry Seinfeld’s comedy, and love coffee. Seinfeld’s internet version of ‘A Show About Nothing’ is usually a nice double-shot of relaxing entertainment. Despite generally not enjoying politicians, or politics, this season’s premier with the President was no exception. I especially enjoyed the following thought-provoking exchange:

Obama: “Let me ask you a question. You’re a funny guy. You go on some late night talk shows… people think you’re funny, they give you a show… and then next thing you know you’ve made a ridiculous amount of money…”

Seinfeld: “So much more than you 😉 and yet… how do I seem to you? Do I seem spoiled? Out of touch?”

Obama: “The questions is: How did you calibrate dealing with that? At a certain point, you might have thought to yourself I’m more than just a comedian, I’m going to make the Jewish version of Citizen Kane. How did you keep perspective?”

Seinfeld: “I’ll give you the real answer. It’s got to be similar to your life. I fell in love with the work. And the work was joyful, and difficult, and interesting, and that was my focus. And that’s it.

What do you find joyful, difficult, and interesting about your chosen work? Is it your Dream Job?



Mark Holton

Principal Member of Technical Staff at Salesforce. Husband & father of 2. IL State Golf Champ, 6x Marathoner. www.linkedin.com/in/markholtonsoftware